Publications and Events

Muja Law on digital nomads in the latest issue of Trailblazing Magazine

Muja Law Firm is featured in the latest issue of Trailblazing Magazine!

Our member Adi Muja provides an overview of the existing legal landscape as regards digital nomads in Albania and other related issues on law on foreigners.

Dive into the full article here:

As always, thankful to Rudina Hoxha and J.P Hospitality. EU / Trailblazing Magazine  for the hard work and passion put into the magazine!

Interested in exploring how our firm can assist you with your legal needs? Connect with us today for a personalized consultation. You can write us or leave an appointment through the following link:

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+355 69 28 28 562 [email protected]
Rr. “Ibrahim Tukiqi”, Nr.2, 1057, Tirana, Albania E Hënë - E Premte: 9:00 me 18:00

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