A new law on personal data protection has recently been approved and published in Albania. Learn mor...
The Labor Code of Albania has recently been significantly amended! New changes include an increase i...
Recently the Council of Ministers in Albania has approved a new decision which mandates economic ope...
The Council of Ministers in Albania has recently approved a new act, streamlining procedures, as als...
A new law on arbitration in Albania has recently been published in the Official Journal. The law def...
Starting from February 2023 Albania will have a new judicial map. Recently the Council of Ministers ...
Recently the Council of Ministers in Albania has approved a new decision which provides changes to t...
The Minister of Health and Social Protection in Albania has recently approved two new orders, which ...
Recently in Albania have been approved new amendments to Law No. 112/2020, “On the register of ben...
Recently in Albania has been approved the new Law No.79/2021 "On foreigners". This law regulates the...
Recently the Minister of Health and Social Protection in Albania has approved Order No. 374, dated 3...
Recently the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Albania has been amended in various aspects,...
Recently the Council of Ministers in Albania has approved a new Normative Act that amends the Law "O...
Recently the Office of the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Personal Data Protection in...
Recently, the Council of Ministers in Albania has approved the Decision “On determining the minimu...
New measures have been taken in Albania in the ongoing fight to prevent further spread of the corona...
Domestic violence continues to be a problem in Albania. Recently, new amendments have been made to l...
Masks in Albania are now mandatory outside. Recently the Council of Ministers has approved a new Nor...
Recently, the Council of Ministers in Albania has approved a new Normative Act, which pardons all ad...
Recently in Albania has been approved Law No.113/2020, dated 29.07.2020, “On citizenship”. This ...
Recently the Council of Ministers in Albania has approved the criteria for determining the remunerat...
Recently in Albania have been approved new rules on games of chance and casinos. The Council of Mini...
Cryptocurrencies in Albania are now regulated by law. On the other hand, VAT will be paid by subject...
Recently has been approved Law No.62/2020, dated 14.05.2020 “On capital markets”. This law regul...
Recently in Albania has been approved the law “On improvement of business areas”. This law provi...
Recently the Council of Ministers in Albania has approved the creation of an electronic register of ...
Recently the Albanian Council of Ministers has approved a new guide regarding the prohibited forms o...
Driving licenses in Albania and Turkey will be mutually recognized, a commission will now examine th...
Finally Albania seems to be returning to its normality with the recent new orders of the Ministry of...
Recently the Bank of Albania and the Albanian government have approved additional measures to mitiga...
Recently the Albanian Council of Ministers has presented other measures in the ongoing effort to con...
Do you want to know which safety and hygiene measures to implement in your business during this time...
Recently the Criminal Code has been amended in Albania in an effort to control the further spread of...
Pardoning of fines and a new financial support package. These are the latest measures taken in Alban...
COVID-19 has made us all more vulnerable to data protection violations. That is why the Data Protect...
Nearly everything shut down in Albania until an undetermined date. The Albanian Ministry of Health a...
Here is how the Albanian government will financially assist businesses, citizens and the health sect...
Recently the Albanian Council of Ministers approved the Normative Act No. 9, dated 25.3.2020 "On spe...
In its efforts to control the spread of COVID-19 virus, the Albanian Council of Ministers has declar...
Recently in Albania has been published law No.13/2020, dated 12.02.2020, “On some additions and am...
The Albanian Council of Ministers has recently restricted, through another Normative Act, the circul...
The Albanian Council of Ministers has approved the Normative Act No.3, dated 15.03.2020, in its foll...
In an effort to control the COVID-19 pandemic, the Albanian Government and some relevant institution...
There has been a lot going on lately with coronavirus and the ongoing measures to prevent it. But, i...
The Albanian Competition Authority has recently approved an instruction that provides the steps to b...
Learn about the measures against the so-called "Grab what you can" groups. Muja Law has prepared the...
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