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Roundtable on standards and practices of the reporting process in the Assembly of the Republic of Albania
Our partner Eno Muja moderated the roundtable on standards and practices of the reporting process in the Assembly of the Republic of Albania.
The Institute of Political Studies is monitoring the reporting process of constitutional and independent institutions established by law in the Assembly, as well as the electoral function of the Assembly towards these institutions. Such engagement is part of the project “Enhancing Government Accountability through a More Responsive Parliament”, which is being implemented by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) with financial support from the British Embassy in Tirana.
As part of the monitoring, ISP has published the “Assessment of the Capacities and Reporting Mechanism in the Assembly of the Republic of Albania” and periodic monitoring reports 2023-2024, and held a roundtable discussion between independent and legally established institutions and the Assembly in November 2023. Currently, ISP is conducting periodic monitoring, as well as comparisons with the practices of the years 2023-2024, data which will be part of a public report after the full completion of the annual reporting process.
In order to implement the standards of annual reporting and the parliamentary oversight process, institutional dialogue and the handling of findings, requests and recommendations, as well as a more active parliamentary role in increasing transparency, accountability and integrity indicators, ISP is organizing separate roundtables with different groups of institutions and political and administrative representatives of the Assembly.
This roundtable belonged to three institutions: the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Personal Data Protection and the Central Election Commission.
Some of the main findings to date as concluded by ISP can be found in the following link: