Publications and Events

Parliamentary Activity and Quality of Representation 2022

Muja Law proudly contributes to the Monitoring Report “Parliamentary Activity and Quality of Representation 2022”.

Such report was prepared by Institute of Political Studies (ISP) with the support of the Swiss Embassy in Albania (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Program). The purpose of the monitoring effort is to keep track of the developments in and around the parliament, by regularly identifying bottlenecks and pointing at shortcomings and good practices for promoting parliamentary activity, the standards of transparency and accountability, role of parliament and parliamentary representation, public discourse of members of parliament and public perception on the parliament.

In addition, such monitoring of the parliament also covers the fulfilment of the constitutional functions by this institution.

An English summary of the report can be read below, while the full report in Albanian language can be found in the following link:

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+355 69 28 28 562 [email protected]
Rr. “Ibrahim Tukiqi”, Nr.2, 1057, Tirana, Albania Lunedì - Venerdì: 9:00 a 18:00

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